
Wizard of Oz

Tuesday 10th to Sunday 15th May 2022
On Stage Musical Theatre, Annual Production
Adults $20 // Children (Under 12) $15

All classes will perform 2 shows in the Theatre at Centre Stage Portsdown Road, according to the following schedule:

Tuesday 24 May 18.30pm - Liisa's Tuesday Class (Show 1)
Wednesday 25th May 18.30pm - Liisa's Wednesday Class (Show 1)
Thursday 26th May 18
.30pm - Liisa's Thursday Class (Show 1)
Saturday 28th May 9.30am - Liisa's Saturday Morning Class (Show 1)
Saturday 28th May 12.00pm - Liisa's Wednesday Class (Show 2)
Saturday 28th May 14.30pm - Liisa's Saturday Afternoon Class (Show 1)
Saturday 28th May 17.00pm - Liisa's Thursday Class (Show 2)
Sunday 29th May 9.30am - Liisa's Tuesday Class (Show 2)
Sunday 29th May 12.00pm -  Liisa's Saturday Morning Class (Show 2)
Sunday 29th May 2.30pm - Liisa's Saturday Afternoon Class (Show 2)


The performance will commence shortly. If you wish to buy tickets please come to the theatre and pay at the door.

Step 1 Which Performance ?


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