Block 15 Juniors

Course ID
Block 15 Juniors
10 - 12
Day / Time
Thurs 5 - 7 PM
Block 15


Not bound by a specific artistic medium, the course enables students to participate collaboratively as Actors, Writers, Musicians, Movers, Directors, Visual Artists, Filmmakers and Designers tocreate dramatic pieces from the ground up.
Block 15 has few boundaries giving students the opportunity to explore the development of their creative ideas
into an array of media.

Course Objective

The programme will encourage in students dynamic storytelling, emotional maturity, with a strong commitment to collaboration, good citizenship, generosity, risk taking, exploration and adventure.

All attributes that will stand students in good stead whatever career and life path they ultimately choose to take.

Course Structure

The programme will be structured in two sections, with a long -term project to be devised throughout the year.

Section 1:  Students will take part in creative exercises to help them grasp the different formats of dramatic expression. The exercises will be teacher led with a strong focus on process, as well as teamwork, community building and self-confidence.

Section 2:  Students will apply the skills learned earlier to craft short pieces and present to each other. Students will be encouraged to think analytically about what they see as well as support each other by offering observations, constructive criticism, and praise.

Long Term Project: Students will select a topic to investigate from as many creative, analytical, and interpretive angles as possible. The teacher will help guide the students in assembling the piece. Possible topics include:

  • Dreams
  • Hero’s and Villains
  • Natural Disasters
  • War
  • Plague
  • The Future


Course Schedule 

Monday 5pm to 7pm – 12 to 14 years
Thursday 5pm to 7pm – 10 to 12 years

“I’ve always loved the theatre. From as early as 5, I can remember taking classes in The US much like the ones at Centre Stage. I went to University to earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre. But I went to college to be an actor, a performer. I had no idea what else was out there. It was only in college, in a course similar to Block 15, that I realized how much more the theatre had to offer me. Until then, I had no idea about building sets, designing lights and sound, writing, directing, and doing everything else the stage required because as a youth I was never presented with the possibilities of doing those things. As I see it, Block 15 provides the open-minded opportunity for students to actively participate in discovering what they like about the theatre as well as open them up to yet unseen horizons. I think students will take to it inherently, and emerge more mature, intuitive, stronger, smarter, and more ready to face the challenges of life with vigor, poise and intelligence.”

Jonathan Greene – BFA Theatre Studies, Boston University

Enrollment Process 

The structure of the course sees the students collaborating as a group, with the teacher – as well as independently on projects of their own design, it is therefore vital that from the outset the group is balanced.

To enable us to effectively group students we ask that students prepare and submit an artistically creative piece, on a subject of the students choosing. Possible topics of exploration may be: All about me; A period in History; The world as I see it; Personal heroes – or any other subject that inspires the student. One or more of the following media can be used:


  • ·   Photography
  • ·   Visual Art
  • ·   A piece of writing
  • ·   Dramatic performance
  • ·   Film
  • ·   Sound/Lighting/Stage design
  • ·   Music
  • ·   Or any other artistic medium of your choosing


Students will be asked to present and discuss their piece to one of the block 15 teachers in a relaxed setting. We may already know the students from other courses but this process gives us the insight into the individuals working style and enthusiasm to join Block 15.

For further information or to schedule a presentation please call 6732 7211 or email the Centre Stage office at  If students need advice, or would like to ask any questions in relation to the presentation process, they can contact Jon or Becky in the office directly – or by writing to our email address above.


Informational links out: 

FILM Man walks across America:


MUSIC VIDEO Any Music Video by OK GO:  (treadmills) (rube goldberg) (dogs)


PHYSICAL THEATER Michael Moschen’s The Triangle


PLAY CREATION: Guy Masterson’s One-man Under Milkwood


THEATRICAL VISUAL ART Keseniya Simanova Sand Painting


WRITING/PERFORMANCE DRAMA Anna Deveare Smith’s ‘Fires in The Mirror’




MUSIC: Bobby Mcferrin


Course Downloads:

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