We’re closing our physical until further notice**

UPDATE: It’s official, our re-opening will not come until Phase 2 of Circuit Breaker easing measures – ie. at least July – so we’re continuing our programme of online learning (Centre Stage Interactive) for the month of June, and will be in touch about our plans for re-opening our physical doors as soon as we can!

UPDATE: After PM Lee’s announcement on Tuesday 21st April, needless to say, our doors will remain closed until at least Tuesday 2nd June for now** In the mean time, please join us online for our Centre Stage Interactive programme! to keep us all connected whilst we’re all separated! 

Dear Parents and Students,

It is with a very heavy heart that we will have to close our physical doors from Friday 27th March until 30th April. Although we are officially a fully licensed, MOE Approved, Private School (as opposed to an enrichment centre) we feel the government directive that all enrichment centres must close their doors makes it sensible that we do too in order to maximise the safety of our students, their families and our staff.

As one door closes, another one opens and we will shortly have our
online creative services up and running, available for all students 
 – ‘Centre Stage Interactive’ or CSI for short. We have already tested beta versions, these will be a combination of paid services and range of additional free extras for the Centre Stage Community.

Currently, the order is to close until the 30th April, so we will aim to start our new Term 3 on Monday 4th May and it will run the usual 12 Weeks until Saturday 25th July. This plan is obviously based on the assumptions that:

A) We are all good to restart in May
B) The travel ban is still in place and that you won’t all be away in July

Please support your local Arts Community where you can – we are painfully aware that everybody is in the same boat, and these are uncertain times for us all. We would really appreciate it if you could please spare a thought for organisations such as ours. We understand that you all pay for our services, and for that we are eternally grateful, but we’d like to say that this money is always invested into bringing you the very best teachers, courses, productions and events, and this together with rent are fixed costs so with your support we will hope to continue delivering these services well into the future.

We do love to do what we do, we adore our work and are proud of our influence on the lives of so many children, we are blessed to have so many loyal supporters and we are so grateful to have the opportunity to build this over 20 amazing years.  

We are sure many of you share these values and if you’d like Centre Stage to still be here after the smoke has cleared and to be delivering this service for another 20 years, we ask that you kindly support in any way that you can. 

Thank you so much for all your support up until now,
Stay safe,
Very Best Wishes,
Pete, Ali and the Centre Stage Team

Click here to read all our update on covid-19

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