Drama Tots (2½ to 3½ years)

Course: Drama Tots
Age: 2½ to 3½ years
Location: East Coast 
Teachers: Shahnaz Alkaff, Vicky Letchemanan
See Full Timetable Here  

Drama Tots is a joyful and enriching experience for both children and their caregivers, designed to be a child’s first step into a learning environment. 

Through storytelling, drama, music, and movement, we nurture imagination and creativity. Imaginative play, combined with puppets and stimulating interactive activities, helps build confidence, while simple speech exercises support clarity and develop vocabulary.

Our aim at Drama Tots is to create a safe, fun, and stimulating environment where your child can thrive. These classes help foster stronger parent-child bonds, and as your child grows in confidence, they will naturally progress towards independent learning, preparing them for school and beyond.

All toddlers MUST be accompanied by one adult, and we strongly encourage parents to attend.

Cost: $55 per session

Duration: 60 mins

Get in touch with the office if you’re keen to join!

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